- Continued professional education 2

The seminar of the Association of Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Srpska - Continuing Professional Education 2, which is being held in several towns of the Republic of Srpska, is underway, which deals with the following topics:

 - Accounting aspects of the application of tax regulations in the field of direct taxation in the Republic of Srpska - Prof. Dr Duško Šnjegota

- Treatment of fixed assets from the accounting and tax aspects - Prof. Dr. Jelena Poljašević

- New rules for submission of monthly tax returns, form 1002 - Persa Paić, dipl.ek

- Introduction of electronic registration system for self-taxation of indirect taxes - Vladimir Milinović, bachelor of laws and Dejan Rakić, bachelor of laws

More information can be found on this link: http://www.srrrs.org/dokumenti/aktuelnosti/2017/Obavjestenje%20za_seminar_KPE_2__oktobar_novembar_2017.pdf