- New Rulebooks to the Law on CIT in the RS

After the adoption of the new Law on corporate income tax in the RS (published in "Off. Gazette of RS", no. 94 dated 16 November 2015), Ministry of Finance issued new rulebooks that specifies the specific concepts and solutions from the law. These are:
- Rulebook on conditions and manner of acquiring the rights to exemption from payment of taxes (published in "Off. Gazette of RS", no. 45 of 7 June 2016, 50/16) 
- Rulebook on application of annual depreciation rates (published in "Off. Gazette of RS", no. 47 dated 13 June 2016) 
 Rulebook on the application of norms of expenses for determining ullage, spillage,breakage and defect (published in "Off. Gazette of RS", no. 45 of 7 June 2016)
- Rulebook on transfer pricing and the methods for their determination (published in "Off. Gazette of RS", no. 47 dated 13 June 2016)